Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My favorite 5-letter word

From Bliss Sawyer's Marketing Blog

Goal_setting_cartoonGOALS. Have you set yours for 2008? I'm not talking about jotting down a few numbers your manager asked you for and then putting them in a drawer - never to be looked at again.

I'm talking about goals that you take time to determine and then review daily. Goals that guide your actions. Goals that you will actually meet or even exceed.

If this isn't your usually mode of operation.. you'll have some habit-changing to do. But that's ok since you probably have some time to work on this over the next week or so.

First, block out an hour for a "goal setting session." Quiet, uninterrupted time. (Turn off the email and phone.) Let your mind go and decide what's really important and how you can keep your goals centered on those pieces of your life. Make monthly, quarterly, 1-year, 3-year and 5-year goals.

Second, develop a plan to consistently review and work on the goals. Keep the goals visible and on your mind. This is the easiest way to accomplish anything. All your daily tasks should be moving you towards these goals. Remember - you become what you think most about.

Lastly, don't get discouraged. There will be many times during the year when you will need to refocus and recommit yourself to your goals. I recommend you revise goals quarterly. Your journey will needs adjustments every so often. A regular review will keep you on the path you want.

Happy New Year!

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