Saturday, May 10, 2008

Laugh and Get Rich

From Bliss Sawyers Marketing Blog

I had the great opportunity to be on the same stage as Darren LaCroix last week. A great speaker, Darren is also the author of Laugh & Get Rich, a fabulous book on How to Profit from Humor in any Business. I read it in two days. Would have finished it in one, but had to get my kids cheerios for dinner. Again.

I've always said it isn't the numbers that motivate borrowers to make application with a certain originator, it's the emotion behind the numbers and the connection they feel. LaCroix summed it up nicely when he said: "We don't live in a rational world and we don't deal with rational people. It's emotions that move decisions."

If work is fun... you perform better at your job. If you make it fun for your referral partners, clients and prospects to work with you, the business will just naturally follow. This book will give you some great ideas to build stronger relationships, differentiate yourself from the competition (who doesn't want to do that!) and SELL MORE. Hmmm.... seems to me like everyone needs this book.

We spend a tremendous amount of time working. Hours and hours and hours. More than we spend with our loved ones and more than we spend biking. Or golfing. Or any of the other things we like to do. So I wonder why more people don't have fun at work. Maybe they just don't want to be rich.

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